Saturday, June 07, 2008

On the set of Transformers 2

On my way to the movies tonight I stumbled upon the filming of Transformers 2 at the Air & Space Museum. My phone take craptastic pics, but here's a shot of the set with Bumblebee and another Autobot in car form in the parking lot... And after that are a couple pics of the camera jib / crane inside. They said they'll be shooting tomorrow but I highly doubt that since this part of the movie takes place "after hours"... and all their equipment and power distribution is already being set up...

I LOVE living here. I wouldn't happen upon the filming of a major motion picture on my way to a movie in Johnson City!

1 comment:

Kylie Monster said...

Hey there. I found your blog... I could tell you the story of how... but I won't. Unless you really want to know... then, of course, I will. The whole Transformers thing.... Awesome!
