Monday, June 30, 2008

The morning commute...

I HATE crossing traffic. I don't see how people ride in traffic on a bike. Hopefully my confidence will build up over time. I was 2 inches from catching my left handlebar on a pole as came on the sidewalk from the street with too much speed. I feel like I'm going to get run over if I don't get across the street in less than 3 seconds...

Anywho, I'm at the office. Took a little longer because I stopped to help with an older gentleman that wiped out. The consensus among the lay was that he had a concussion based on a nice crack in his helmet (which would have been his head if he hadn't been wearing it) and dilated pupils.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

See it was meant to be that you got the bike! You wouldn't have been there to help that man. I'm sure just like anything else the more you do it the easier it will become. You can do it!