Friday, February 19, 2010

It's been a long time...

I've had no interest in updating my blog in a long time but I've thought about what my motivations to write have been in the past and what they are now.

I'm fasting from Facebook and Twitter for Lent... And I think when Lent is over I am going to focus on Godly, encouraging tweets daily and stop using it for what it has become- everyone's soap box to complain and whine. Thanks Twitter for revolutionizing whining; now to break myself of the habit.

I've been thinking about making separate blogs for the forthcoming experiments in my life but after careful consideration I think it will be better to just throw it all together here and make use of post tagging.

My life is a constant struggle, always has been, always will be. I eat unhealthy food, I work in an unhealthy manner in the hours I keep (too many of them, too), and I am miserably failing to be the person I want to be.

Time to change. Slow as it may be.

So here's the run down of what I am about to embark on...

I started on Jan 5th with an insane goal of losing 40 pounds by March 15. Go big or go home... But I am only 15 pounds down so far with a long road ahead and no chance I'll be down by 3/15. I'm going to start keeping a weekly track here of what I've been doing to lose weight and what I weight is.

I'm going to start researching Christian apologetics as much as I can. I'm hoping to combine this with the exercising, reading while on the gym equipment, etc. I'd love to post daily, but I just don't see that happening. I'll at least squeeze in a post on the really interesting things I come across. (Like who Cain's wife is).

I'm always programming, always working on little projects (Python LCD library for Matrix Orbital displays, Py/Arduino morse code display, iPod apps, etc). So I'm going to start posting snippets, hacks, and frustrations.

But I am not going to post anything about Mandy. I think we need our own blog for the stuff we do together and I want her to write it. We'll see if that ever gets off the ground- she's just as busy as I am.

1 comment:

Ben Harrison said...

Please keep the posts coming. Especially on programming.